About Mad Pony

A podcast about nothing and everything and all the things in between. We'll interview guests from all walks of life, in all sorts of careers, that have all sorts of hobbies. We'll spend time exploring the nuances that make us human and hopefully find some new passions along the way.

I'm a designer by trade, but my hobbies and interests are endless. However, my funding is not. So, in an attempt to satiate my insatiable desire to learn more, I've decided to start a podcast, giving me a good reason to talk to all the people that do the things I find interesting.

About your host

Davey Holler

I started my career in landscape design and then spent about 6 years in architectural design before changing mediums again and landing in tech. Over the course of my winding career I've come to realize that the thing I'm most passionate about it learning new things. I love finding (and abandoning) new hobbies and I love talking to the dedicated folks that are entrenched in those happy little niches of society.

When I'm not working I'm spending time with my wife and kids or writing music. The joy of fatherhood is real. So is the struggle. I hope to give my kids a million good memories and a million reasons to live each day to their fullest.

What's a mad pony?

I've got ADHD which affects the body's ability to produce dopamine. So to celebrate my neurodivergence I tried to make an anagram of the word "dopamine." I came up with "mad ponie" and then got bored with the task of trying to name this show and figured "mad pony" sounded cool.

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